• Women health treatments and cure menorrhagia, menstrual flow and related symptoms that can cause uterine fibroids, prevent their recurrence.

    How to Treat Blood flow scanty and Shortened Menstruation

    Menstrual discharge is scanty & shortened menstruation are defined as a health condition blood deficiency as a result of liver's inability in yin transformation in the yin and menstruation phrase. Blood deficiency can also be caused by the inability of liver in blood formation or qi deficiency.

    I. Symptoms of scanty blood flow and shortened menstruation.

    A. Blood deficiency
    1. Dizziness
    2. Insomnia
    3. Poor memory
    4. Pale complexion
    5. Fatigue
    6. Scanty menstruation
    7. Etc.

    B. Blood and qi deficiency
    1. Fatigue
    2. Loose stool
    3. Pale face
    4. Poor appetite
    5. Swearing with little exertion
    6. and all in A
    7. Etc.

    II. Causes
    A. Blood deficiency
    1. Poor diet
    According to TCM, poor diet may affect the function of liver function in blood formation, if it fails to be properly nourished by the qi from the energy source of spleen. Diet with little or no iron also contributes to the blood deficiency.

    2. Abnormal liver function
    Abnormal function of liver can be caused by raw foods diet as its affects the spleen function in assisting the digestive system function in absorbing vital energy from foods that reduces the liver function in blood storing and formation.

    3. Liver imbalance
    Liver imbalance caused by excess of any pathogen or/and toxins accumulated can also reduce the normal function of blood storing and formation of the liver.

    4. Alcohol drinking
    Long terms alcohol drinking damages the liver function in blood formation and regulating the spleen function in energy distribution, leading to not enough blood for the circulatory system to supply nutrients and oxygen to the reproductive organs, resulting in scanty menstruation.

    5. Anemia
    Anemia is a chronic ill, it is caused by either easily broken off red blood cells or abnormal function of liver in blood formation.

    6. Etc.

    B. Blood and qi deficiency
    1. Cold and raw foods
    As the foods entering our stomach, they are divided to 2 components, qi and materials. prolonged intake of cold and raw foods causes sluggish stomach in providing food qi and essence to the spleen that leads to abnormal function of the circulatory system in moving qi and liver's function in blood formation, resulting in deficiency of qi and blood, causing shortened menstruation and the period becomes scanty.

    2. Unhealthy diet
    A typical American diet is yang in nature, intake of high amount of unsaturated fat and tran fat encourages the rise to the excessive yang pathogen that blocks the liver function in blood storing and formation and spleen function in assisting lung in qi transportation.

    3. Alcohol drinking
    Excessive alcohol drinking damages the liver function in blood formation and blood storing as well as interfering with spleen function in qi transportation, leading qi and blood stagnation.

    4. Environment toxins
    Environment toxins not only affects the respiratory function in qi transportation, but also causes toxins accumulated in the liver that distort the qi and blood flow, leading to qi and blood stagnation and disturbing the normal process of menstrual cycle.

    5. Spleen deficiency
    Spleen is the organ which helps to absorb the food qi after entering the stomach, spleen deficiency caused by what ever reason, may obstruct the normal function of qi to the lung and liver, giving rise to qi and blood deficiency.

    6. Etc.

    III. treatments
    A. With Herbs
    A.b. Blood deficiency

    1. E Jiao (Donkey-Hide Glue)
    E jiao is an important herb for improving the liver in blood formation and liver qi in regulating the blood circulation in the body thereby reducing the symptoms of dizziness, shallow complexion, and palpitations caused by blood deficiency.

    2. Dang gui (Chinese angelica root)
    Dang gui is best known for improving the liver's function in blood formation and regulating the function of the reproductive organs. It also harmonizes the production of hormones during the menstrual cycle, leading to reduced cramps and pain caused by blood deficiency and stagnation.

    3. Bai shao (white peony root)
    Bai shao plays an important role in nourishing the blood and regulating menstrual problems caused by blood deficiency. It also harmonizes the liver and spleen to prevent the rising of blood heat causes of headache and dizziness.

    4. Etc.

    A.b. Blood and qi deficiency
    1. Dang shen (pilose asiabell root)
    Dang shen is a spleen and lung tonic herbs. It improves the lung function in moving qi smoothly through its channels and spleen function in absorbing qi after foods entering the stomach. It also helps to restore the qi which is damaged by heat caused by infection, inflammation or heat generated due to excessive fluids accumulation.

    2. Tai zi shen (pseudostellaria root)
    Besides helping to increase the spleen and lung qi, it also improve the blood transportation and spleen and stomach in absorbing vital energy for our body cells and generates fluids to prevent the heat causes of qi stagnation.

    3. Huang qi (astragalus root)
    It is one of the herb that helps to increase the function of liver in generating more blood and liver qi in blood transportation due to excessive blood loss during menstruation.

    B. With acupuncture
    B.a. Blood deficiency
    1. ST36 (Zu san li)
    2. SP6 (San yin jiao)
    3. LV3 (Tai chong)
    4. UB11 (Da zhu )
    5. UB17( Ge shu)
    6. Etc.

    B.b. Blood and qi deficiency
    1. All above in B.A.
    2. KD3 (Tai xi)
    3. LU9 (Tai yuan)
    4. Etc.

    C. With diet
    C.A. Blood deficiency
    1. Oats
    2. Rice
    3. Cabbage
    4. Celery
    5. Dandelion
    6. Apple, apricot
    7. Avocado
    8. Black sesame
    9. All red meat especially bone marrow
    10. Chicken egg
    11. Molasses
    12. Etc.

    C.B. Blood and qi deficiency
    1. All above in C.A.
    2. Wheat bran
    3. Asparagus
    4. Eggplant
    5. Grape
    6. Tofu
    7. Beef
    8. Chicken
    9. Honey