Another Causes Menorrhagia - Some cases of heavy bleeding during menstruation can not be known with certainty but some conditions cause menorrhagia include :
Unbalanced hormones. In a normal menstrual cycle , estrogen and progesterone hormone balance to adjust the conditions of the wall of the uterus ( endometrium ) to regulate the menstrual blood jets. If there is an imbalance of hormones, endometrial blood flow produces terrific.
Ovarian cysts. The emergence of pockets of fluid in or on the ovaries and sometimes cause menstrual abnormalities including menorrhagia.
Polyps. Incidence of polyps in the uterine wall causing prolonged menstrual bleeding. Polyps of the uterus usually occurs in women of childbearing age who produce excess hormones, causing bleeding not associated with menstruation .
Ovarian dysfunction. Failure of ovarian function, anovulation ( the release of an egg ) can cause hormonal imbalances, resulting in menorrhagia.
Adenomyosis. Condition that occurs when endometrial glands attached to the muscles of the uterus, often the cause of heavy bleeding and abdominal pain . This often occurs in women who have had several children.
IUD use. IUD contraceptive side effects frequently encountered is the superb menstrual bleeding.
Cancer. Although rare , cancer of the female reproductive organs can cause menorrhagia. Uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and cervical cancer can cause excessive bleeding during menstruation .
Drugs. Certain drugs , including drugs to prevent blood clotting ( anticoagulants ) and anti- inflammatory treatment / infection, can cause heavy menstruation or in a long time.
Risk factors Menorrhagia
All women in the reproductive age may experience heavy bleeding during menstruation . Young women who have not experienced menstrual cycles tend to have menorrhagia in 12 to 18 months after the first menstrual period . Adult women approaching menopause often experience hormonal imbalance can lead to menorrhagia .
Heavy bleeding during menstruation can lead to other medical conditions including :
- Anemia. Menorrhagia often causes anemia in women approaching menopause . Estimated that about 10 percent of women of childbearing age in high risk of anemia . Although diet can contribute to the cause of this , the more severe problems due to excessive menstrual bleeding . The majority of cases of anemia only under mild conditions , but even light , can cause anemia and fatigue on the body kelematah . Advanced anemia causes shortness of breath , rapid heart rate , headache , ringing in the ears and mental imbalance . Anemia who did not receive medical treatment in the long run lead to heart problems . Pregnant women with anemia , especially the first 3 months of pregnancy , increases the risk of miscarriage .
- Infertility. Many conditions associated menstrual abnormalities , including severe bleeding , ketikdaknormalan ovulation , endometriosis , is the majority of which have contributed to infertility in women Irregular menstrual cycle can make it difficult for pregnant women .
- Severe pain. Excessive menstrual bleeding is often accompanied by dysmenorrhea (cramping and pain in the lower abdomen that accompanies menstruation).