This intimate organ problems usually arise due to improper maintenance or sex with multiple partners. Thanks to advances in technology and the increasing quality of care products, this organ problems began to be overcome.
The emergence of vaginal discharge, odor, itching signaling in organs that are not maintained.
Vaginal washes
Naturally, this organ has a protective acidity is called pH. generaly, Ph degree of acidity in the normal organs is 3.5 to 4.5 pH. Ph can be damaged and cause a variety of complaints, if how to care for one. With too often cleaned with soap or deodorant herb, it could ruin his Ph. For daily care, after bowel movements should be cleaned with clean water and dried with a tissue.Direction washing should be done instead of leading to the anus. Although it seems trivial, but if you do it wrong, it can ruin ph used for cleaning hands, touching the anus until no contamination is actually capable of damaging the vagina. After washed should be dried if wet and damp can stimulate the growth of fungi.
Fungi can also be grown easily if your vagina hair is too long and too many. Hair that is too long and many other than closing the upper lip sex organs, will also appear less healthy and beautiful, because it can be a source of irritation. Avoid hair that grows too dense. But do not be too pelontos because it will eliminate the sensual attractiveness.
Irritation at vagina skin characterized by inflamed, red, itchy, hot, sore and swollen. Usually caused by excessive sweating due to late bath, friction tight underwear and scratching nails. This problem can also arise because the obsession is to always clean up most of the sex organs using a cleaning tool. Irritation can also occur when the sex organs wash with hot water, excessive use of soap, or use a compress drug solution that is too concentrated.
When a disease of the vagina does not go away, immediately run out of shaving pubic hair, thin and evenly spread the ointment. Do not wash with hot water or water in public toilets. If there is a wound, rinse with distilled water because it is sterile and does not contaminate the wound inflammation. Dry with a clean dry tissue assured when after a bowel movement. If it itches, do not scratch. It would be better compressed with ice water.
In order not to be a problems with your vagina, forbid always with the sex organs after drying the waste water with a clean tissue anyway. Avoid using of tight underwear. Every now and then, use liquid soap cleanser with a pH of 4-5.
Importance of Pap Smear
Cleaning vagina that use herbs or perfumed soaps should be done once a month after menstruation or monthly bleeding. This treatment is necessary, in addition to making a fragrant aroma, ph become more fresh and healthy. Giving spices steam can be done in women, both those who have never had sex, and that has been.
Vaginal treatment is not only the outside of course, on the inside of the cervix was about to be treated. Treatment begins with a cervical pap smear examiner. This treatment can detect early cervical cancer.